Arts Renaissance for Kids (ARK - 2019) Violinist Jimmy Thompson shares his love of music and the violin with children at Old Brooklyn Community School (May 29, 2019).
ARK 2017
Arts Renaissance for Kids (ARK - 2017) The Bombastic Bassoons (bassoon trio left to right: Carly Gomez, Marisa Esposito, Arleigh Savage) Arts Renaissance for Kids (ARK - April 2017) Bassoons for pre-K class at Cleveland Public Library - Old Brooklyn branch (Carly Gomez, Marissa Esposito, Arleigh
ARK 2016
Arts Renaissance for Kids (ARK - 2016) March – May 2016 Arts Renaissance Tremont partnered with Merrick House in the Tremont neighborhood to sponsor weekly music classes with musician Marisa Esposito to pre-K children at Merrick House. Merrick House hired Marisa to continue teaching pre-K music in 2017.